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Brief history

The Bulgarian Association for Veterinary Cardiology is an association between colleagues veterinarians with interest and experience in veterinary cardiology. Our goal is not only to create a platform where we can discuss, publish and read articles and clinical cases with various cardiac pathologies and therapy, but also forming a society with common standards and criteria to follow in Veterinary Cardiology.


Cardiac diseases of our patients, unfortunately, are common and affect all age groups and breeds. Earlier detection, appropriate treatment and accurate prognosis will lead to a longer and better quality of life for patients and peace of mind for the owners. More than 10% of all lethal cases in veterinary medicine are due to heart disease, and many other patients have subclinical symptoms or fell in high risky groups. Therefore we in BAVC hope to focus on these pathologies and patients in order to stimulate interest and correct clinical approach of colleagues to this, as well as to achieve a higher level in veterinary medicine and Cardiology in particular.


To achieve these objectives, BAVC will organize annual seminars and cardiology forums; will keep in touch with the leading experts in the field and will try to attract them as lecturers in Bulgaria; we would like to present the globally leading standards and practices in veterinary cardiology and synchronize them with our daily clinical work. BAVC aims to attract vets in Bulgaria with an interest in Cardiology and unite them around these ideas, as well as to inform hospital managers and colleagues of updates, maintenance and performances.


If you are committed to the ideas and goals of BAVC, join us!

Форма за записване

Ако желаете да станете член на БАВК , моля попълнете формата поместена тук. Ще получите автоматично потвърждение на посочения електронен адрес,а до една седмица след извършването на плащането на членски внос, с Вас ще се свърже колега от Асоциацията за да го потвърди и да Ви даде номер за пълен достъп до сайта.

Членският внос за една календарна година е 80 лв. , дължим еднократно в началото на съответната година или , ако се присъединявате към БАВК след м. март - пропорционално само за останалите тримесечие ( по 20 лв. за тримесечие).
Сдружение БАВК IBAN: BG27UBBS88881000775489 BIC: UBBSBGSF, Обединена Българска Банка ООД (ОББ) основание: членски внос за съответен период, името на новия член

Форма за регистрация за Кардиологичен ден на БАВК(Registration form)